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Thursday, March 25, 2010

eSATA Flash Drive

eSATA flash drive
A target of every computer new technology to get maximum data in minimum time, if technology include small size and budget price – in very short time she is conquering a customers. Active Media Product following to this rule and every some weeks is release new product. A last in the list eSATA flash drive, which can transfer data in the unbelievable speed up to 100/55 MB/sec! A size of stick as size of usual USB flash drive, capacity storage 16GB and 32GB. Today, majority of laptops has eSata port, therefore, one can say, eSATA flash drive fitting to everyone.
eSATA drive   eSATA memory stick
A price of eSATA drive 16GB - $69.95, 32GB - $109.95

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